There are a lot of studies to find out the history of roasted and salted nuts, and researchers have been able to discover that about 780,000 years ago nuts were an essential part of the human diet, and 7 different types of nuts were found buried deep with special stone tools to open them, and these seven nuts included water chestnut, prickly water lily, wild almonds, two types of pistachios and walnuts, and they spread in the Middle East, and there is a similarity between them and the species that are found in northern Europe and the Far East today.
About 50 historical engraved stones were also found, and it was known that these stones are formed when they use them to open large numbers of nuts ( hard nuts) and these stones (also known as nut stones) are similar to stones found in Europe and the United States that date back 4000 and 8000 years by archaeologists.
And when the Native Americans open the nuts, they put walnuts in these stones and then hit them with another stone, which is called the “hammer stone” and mostly they ate nuts as a whole, and the history of salted and roasted nuts states that they also used to use a pestle or mortar to make butter or flour from nuts, and the nuts were walnuts, chestnuts, beech nuts and walnuts (camel’s eye), and the shells of nuts were used as fuel to light a fire, and most of the time they cooked the kernels of nuts and then the broth is to be used for later cooking.
The above statement shows that nuts have been one of the best foods for humans since the beginning of history
It is true that nuts are considered a share of fats and oils, but their fat content includes unsaturated, monounsaturated and useful fats
Nuts are also an important source of iron, but its absorption is lower than that of meat. Therefore, it is recommended to take them in case a person suffers from anemia..
– Nuts also contain a percentage of proteins, so they help in muscle nutrition, especially for those who exercise daily..
. Intent nuts help to get rid of muscle spasms and get rid of stress
This is because it contains magnesium
Nuts also help get rid of constipation problems because they are rich in fiber
. They also help in the feeling of satiety and reduce the percentage of absorption of sugar and fat in the body